10 Questions with… Front Row Edit


Cameron Tewson is the name behind one of the world’s top fashion blogs, Front Row Edit. Voted one of 10 top blogs worldwide, Tewson covers a range of perspectives on fashion, style and the industry from the front row and back stage.

10 Questions with … Front Row Edit

Front Row Edit

What inspired you to create the blog and how has it transformed your career?

Sure, I was working in luxury retail for Chanel. I always enjoyed the social / PR element of a brand and how it communicates through media to consumers. I always got told I never had enough experience to work in PR or Social Media being a retail boy, so frontrowedit.co.uk was my way I could write, explore and start on my own!

Cameron Tewson

The greatest satisfaction of being a blogger and the biggest challenge?

It’s nice when no one knows who I am, it’s nice to be under cover, in a way. The biggest challenge is keeping up with every one and thing! Over 190 shows, visiting 4 cities twice a year… the list goes on!

Cameron Tewson: Front Row Edit

Who do you look to for inspiration? Who has impacted you most in your blogging and how?

The interest in something has to be there. I get over 500 emails per week with brands, PR’s and alike pushing content or product. For me it’s about the unique value of the post I could write or visually photograph.

Cameron Tewson: Front Row Edit

Can you describe your own personal style and is there a person who is a fashion inspiration to you?

That’s a tough one! I would have to say someone like Linda Fargo of Bergdorf Goodman or Iris Apfel, they both show us can have style at any age. I am a bit of a fan of double denim and if not I’ll be head to toe black.

Cameron Tewson: Front Row Edit

How do you feel about eyewear in general and would you say that glasses are the finishing touch to any outfit or is there a certain time and place to wear them?

Tom is luxury. Dressing up weather it be clothing or accessories is meant to make you feel good and powerful. I’ve worn glasses for 5 years and they have only been Tom Ford. The styles by TF are comfortable, light and perfect to match with any outfit for those finishing touches.

Tom Ford SunglassesImage Credit: @TOMFORD via Twitter

As you are so in-tune with the fashion world, do you have any thoughts as to what eyewear trends we can expect to see this year?

Apart from Tom Ford and his sexy campaigns both mainline and eyewear, Gucci do 4am fun with their quirky geeky glasses as previewed on the runway several times. As ever it’s about oversized, mirrored or sharp edged styles, think Dior.

Gucci SunglassesImage Credit: @Gucci via Twitter

And now for some fun questions! Do you have any weird or unique interests/hobbies/talents that your fans may be surprised to discover about you?

I once auditioned to be Billy Elliot on London’s West End!

Image Credits: FrontRowEdit.co.uk



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