Longevity and Best Sensory Practices


Long life isn’t an end in and of itself, but to achieve long life with good health would be a supreme achievement. One of the things that simply wears out with time are your eyes, which is unfortunate but true. Anyone over 50 knows that first hand. There are steps you can take to ensure your eyes remain as healthy as possible for as long as possible, even if you already require contact lenses like Focus lenses or eyeglasses.

First, don’t stare at the sun. Don’t stare at a TV screen or computer screen for hours on end without breaks. Don’t look at light bulbs while turned on, don’t go to clubs with strobe lights. Hopefully you’ve picked up on a trend here—light damages your eyes with prolonged exposure or depending on the severity of the light.

Second, you can do exercises for your eyes to keep them healthy and strong, just like you do exercises for your body. When you wake up, your eyes have rested and need a bit of a stretch, look in all directions without moving your head, stretch out your eyelids by widening and squinting.

If you live in a city, you’ll have pollution accosting your eyes all day long, and in any home indoor pollution can cause damage to the eye. Saline solution in the form of eye drops can alleviate this, and its wise to carry with you to flush out the eyes from time to time throughout the day. You’ll feel rejuvenated and the dust and pollution won’t be rolling around on your eyeballs all day waiting for your nightly face wash.


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