For Girls: How To Look Stylish With Glasses

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If you are you thinking about trying glasses, now is the time.

Glasses have taken their place in the fashion world’s newest wave of stylish accessories. Now that everyone is looking to grab a pair, the only question is how do you find a pair of glasses that’s right for you?

Everyone has their own definition of style but to us, it means finding the right glasses that match your personality and complement your facial features. After all, wearing something that makes you both look good (and feel great) is what being stylish is all about.

Finding Glasses That Match Your Style


If you find yourself frequenting coffee shops, art galleries, thrift shops, local breweries, underground music venues and you happen to support progressive politics then yes, you are most likely a part of the hipster subculture. Chances are that you are already fashion-forward and style-conscious but you just can’t decide what glasses will work for you. We recommend either round, square or cat-eye glasses because they are cute, artsy and fit the look.
Go Round | Go Square | Go Cat-eye

hipster glasses, hipster girl, cute glasses, cat-eye glasses, smartbuyglasses


You’ve got an eye for fashion and are always up to date with the latest styles. Whether you stick with designer brands or prefer to mix and match boutique pieces, you know how to make anything work! When it comes to glasses, you are probably looking for something a bit fun, edgy but also cute and smart. For this reason, we highly recommend cat-eye, round and oval frames. Although you could probably make any shape work, rectangle and square frames will add a sharpness and seriousness to your look, so it just depends what you’re going for.
Go Cat-eye | Go Round | Go Oval

Cat Eye Sunglasses

Image credit: Vanessa Jackman


You’re a girl who loves her books! You’ve always got your kindle by your side (or paperback if you keep it old school) and if you could choose to have dinner with any famous person, he/she would probably be either Ernest Hemmingway or Jane Austen. You’re comfortable with your style but conscious enough that you want to keep it cute. We recommend trendy round or square frames and make sure you stay away from thin rectangle frames!
Go Round | Go Square

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If you’re often hitting the gym, biking, running, climbing or playing sports, you need glasses that can keep up with your active lifestyle. A strong grip is key here, as well as durable frames and lenses. In terms of sunglasses, polarised lenses enhance colour contrasts which are helpful if you want to improve your far-distance vision. Check out wraparound glasses as these are most suitable for athletes.
Go Wraparound

Widescreen coverage2


Hey power woman! You’re a jet setter with places to go, people to see and deals to close. You’re savy, smart and organised but you want some glasses that will both complement and add personality to your professional attire. Chances are you already have an idea of what you want but need final confirmation. We highly recommend rectangle, oval and cat-eye frames which are the most popular shapes for professional women. Just be sure to stay away from the outdated semi-rimless or rimless glasses.
Go Oval | Go Rectangle | Go Cat-eye

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You’re a laid back, chilled girl and your life tends to revolve around the year’s best music festivals. Your apartment smells like incense most of the time (or sometimes sage) and you frequent your favorite vegetarian diner at least once a week, although pizza and wine are still your go-to’s. You’ve got a style that’s all your own and you don’t really care what others have to say about it. You want glasses that are cute but could go with anything. To narrow it down for you, we recommend square, cat-eye and aviator frames to add some fun personality to your unique style. Stay away from the rectangle, oval or any of those rimless glasses.
Go Square | Go Cat-eye | Go Aviator



There’s dinner in the oven, laundry in the dryer and the floors are a mess but you always make time to update your style. Besides, everyone needs a great pair of glasses for bedside reading! We recommend rectangle and cat-eye glasses so that you can throw these babies on anytime and add some fun to your look.
Go Rectangle | Go Cat-eye

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Finding Glasses For Your Face Shape

Now that you have an idea of which shapes will suit your style, it is time to narrow it down a bit further. Based on your unique face shape and facial features, did you know that some glasses will actually look better on you than others? It’s all about adding the right amount of angles and curves to your face.

If you have high cheekbones or a strong jawbone you will most likely look best with round glasses because they will add some contours to your strong angles. On the other hand, if you have a round face then square and rectangle glasses will add some definition to your face shape. Below is an example of the four most common face shapes and recommended glasses for each type.

glasses Face Shape


If you have a round face shape then you should wear rectangle or square frames to add angles to your face.
Don’t Wear: Round, Circle, Cat-eye
Do Wear: Rectangle, Square


Soften a square face shape by adding some gentle curves.
Don’t Wear: Rectangle, Square
Do Wear: Round, Oval, Cat-eye


Draw attention away from your forehead with big, bold glasses.
Don’t Wear: Small glasses
Do Wear: Big glasses, Aviator


The most versatile face shape, you are lucky and can experiment with a wide variety of frame shapes.
Don’t Wear: N/A
Do Wear: Any Shape

If you’re still not sure which style is for you, check out our video “How to Find Glasses For Your Face Shape“.

We hope these tips will be of use to you and help you discover your perfect glasses. If you’re still not sure which style is best for you, we invite you to check out the full selection of women’s glasses at SmartBuyGlasses.



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