Horn-rimmed Eyewear Back in Style


It seems, much to my dismay, that horn-rimmed sunglasses are coming back in style. This is upsetting because this is a style my grandmother has been rocking for the past thirty years, along with spotted dresses, heels indoors and hair in buns. Gwen Stefani in Christian Dior Paname/S sunglasses, personifies the new age of horn-rimmed fashion. Not as overt as it was in Grandma’s generation but still a defined upward angle and more bulk higher than the eyebrow—a look that was fading in the 90s and returned again recently for a brief respite from retirement.

Stefani has long been hailed as a rock diva who doesn’t follow trends but who makes them. This is an encouraging sign, perhaps, that the horn-rimmed look might fade. Despite the evidence to the contrary, I’ve seen countless people in Europe, the US and Australia wearing horn-rimmed shades and, more lastingly, horn-rimmed eyeglasses. This signals a return to the heyday of modern fashion—the post WWII era.

There is something wrong with the look Stefani captured with the bright lip stick, hair up and horn-rimmed Dior glasses. And don’t get me started on the scarf—there is no excuse for that ragged piece of rag on her neck—ever! The sunglasses make her cheeks look droopy, something she should really try to avoid at all costs with a square shaped face. The upward angle doesn’t draw her cheekbone line up, as it would with pointed (heart or triangle) shaped faces. Instead, it seems to give her a pointed ear look and a somewhat modern elf look. As far as I can tell that isn’t look most women go for.


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