Women’s versus men’s sunglasses


As with all things in the fashion world, different looks work for men than for women, and in fact there are very few brands that can carry both genders beautifully. Ray-Ban happens to be one of the few brands to bridge the gap nicely. Tom Ford does likewise, but have specific models for men and for women, so it is slightly different. Still, knowing which brands work for your gender is essential to having a complete wardrobe.

For men, Police sunglasses, Serengeti, Carrera and even Tom Fords are great brands for masculine, fun and sporty dudes. For ladies, most of these brands are too bulky and have the result that they make women’s faces look childish, and the glasses too bulky to be sexy. Femininity is about understated beauty to bring out a natural glow. This can’t be achieved when a beautiful woman is wearing men’s sunglasses.

Most men wouldn’t pick up women’s frames anyways, but every once in a while you get someone who looks good in pink who is happy to wear women’s Dior frames to add a bit of color to their tennis getup. This is a great way to get attention, but it has very little to do with fashion.

So, buy glasses for your gender. They will fit better, look better and be proportional to your shape. Women’s frames are also a bit more colorful, fragile and womanly than men’s and thus add a bit of sex appeal. Meanwhile, the designs made for men add masculinity and sex appeal of an entirely different variety. Yes, they protect you from the sun, but making you look cool is the backup job of sunglasses.


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